
Wednesday 27th August


(seperate registration is required)

Room: Aula B1

09.00-10.30 | Tumor Classification and Grading Systems | Valentina Zappuli & Laura Pena

10.30-11.00 | Coffee Break

11.00-11.30 | Setting the Stage: Writing Effective Titles, Abstracts, and Keywords for Scientific Publications | Joshua Webster

11.30-12.30 | The Peer Review Process: The Author's, Editor's, and Reviewer's Perspectives | Joshua Webster

12.30-14.00 | Lunch

14.00-15:30 | Diagnostic approaches to new infectious challenges | Alessio Bortolami

15.30-16:00 | Coffee Break

16.00-17:30 | Career Paths in Veterinary Pathology: Job descriptions, opportunities, conditions and how to get there | Silvia Benali, Massimo Castagnaro, Anna Overmann&  Laetitia Dorso 

18.30 - 20.00 | Welcome Reception | Rettorato