
Friday 29th August

Room: Aula Magna
(Scroll down for parallel program)

08.30-09.15 | From Code to Care: Applying Genomic Insights in Veterinary Oncology | William Hendricks

09.15-10.00 | Leveraging cellular immunity to induce durable responses in canine cancer patients | Nicola Mason

10.00-10.45 | Coffee Break, Exhibition & Poster Tour  

10.45-11.30 | New paradigms for colorectal cancer treatment and monitoring | Alberto Bardelli

11.30-12.30 | Oral Abstract Presentations

12.30-14.00 Lunch, Exhibition & Poster Tour

14.00-14.45 | From Human to Non-Human: The New Challenges of Pathology and Forensic Sciences | Cristina Cattaneo

14.45-15.30 | Oral Abstract Presentations

15.30-16.15 | Coffee Break, Exhibition & Poster Tour 

16.15-17.15 | Oral Abstract Presentations

17.30-18.30 | ESVP AGM

20.00 | Congress Dinner

Room: Aula B1

08.30-10.00 | Forensic Histopathology Workshop

10.00-10.45 | Coffee Break, Exhibition & Poster Tour 

Teaching, Diagnostic and Continuing Education Workshop

10.45-11.15 | How reliable is your diagnosis? Types, Causes and Control of Insecurities in Diagnostic and Forensic Pathology | Achim Gruber

11.15-11.45 | Diagnostic Uncertainty in Veterinary Pathology Reports: Towards a Standardised Use and Interpretation of Modifying Phrases | Giuseppe Giglia

11.45-12.30 | Open Discussion

12.30-13.30 | Lunch, Exhibition & Poster Tour 

13.30-14.25 | What do clinicians and pathologists need from each-other | Laura Marconato and Pompei Bolfa

14.25-14.50 | Decoding Canine Cancer: Harnessing Genetic Insights as Tools for Prognosis and Therapeutic Advancements in Oncology Care (Industry Lecture) | Lucas Rodriguez

14.50-15.15 | Comprehensive Genomic Profiling for Canine Cancers: VetOmics’ Approach to Precision Medicine (Industry Lecture) | Wang Guannan

15.15-15.45 | Oncology Roundtable | Laura Marconato, Pompei Bolfa, Lucas Rodriguez & Wang Guannan

15.45-16.15 | Coffee Break, Exhibition & Poster Tour 

16.15-17.15 | Train the Trainer: Current Residency- and Exam-related Information | Members of the ECVP Exam Committee

20.00 | Congress Dinner