
Thursday 29th August

Joint Sessions

Room: Aula Magna

08.15-08.30 | Sponsored Session 

08.30-09.30 | The role of the brain barriers in CNS immunity during health and neuroinflammation | Britta Engelhardt

13.45-14.15 | Sponsored Session 


Toxicological Pathology

Room: Aula Magna

09.30-10.30 | Poster Session

10.30 - 11.00 | Coffee Break - Posters & Exhibition

11.00-11.45 | Performance of Biomarkers NF-L, NSE, Tau and GFAP in Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid in Rat for the Detection of Nervous System Injury | Warren Glaab

11.45-12.30 | Behavioral tests in drug safety assessment - are they relevant for pathologists? | Andrea Greiter-Wilke

12.30-13.00 | Awards Ceremony

13.00-14.15 | Lunch - Posters & Exhibition

14.15-15.00 | Neuropathology through the lens of translational imaging: Opportunities for preclinical therapy assessment | Nicolau Beckmann

15.00-15.45 | Electrophysiology (EEG/NCV) | Veronika Stein

15.45-16.15Coffee Break - Posters & Exhibition

16.15-17.00 | MRI and histhopathology in multiple sclerosis | Christina Granziera

17.00-17.45 | CNS safety biomarker and their application in clinical settings | Tobias Derfuss

17.45-18.00 | Case Presentation:  You’ve thought of it, but have you ever seen it? - Interesting neuropathological findings in the brains of Wistar rats | Kathrin Becker


Anatomic Pathology

09.45-10.30 | Poster Flash Session
Room: Aula 14+15

10.30-11.00 | Coffee Break - Posters & Exhibition

11.00-13.00Veterinary Dermatopathology | Verena Affolter & Charles Bradley & Lluis Ferrer
Room: Aula 14+15

11.00-12.00TB in captive and free-ranging wild animalsChristian Gortazar
Room: Aula 13

12.00-13.00 | Oral Presentations: Wildlife & Exotics

Room: Aula 13

13.00-14.15 | Lunch - Posters & Exhibition

14.15-15.00Invertebrate Pathology: Approach to Diagnostics and Common Diseases, including Inflammation, Infection, Environmental Stress/Toxin Exposure, Negative Energy Balance, and Neoplasia Elise LaDouceur
Room: Aula 14+15

14.45-15.45 | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: problem-solving together | Moderators: Chiara Palmieri, Erika Abbondati, Emilian Malek, Sarah Kirschner-Kitz
Room: Aula 12

14.15-15.45 | Oral Presentations: Diagnostics
Room: Aula 13

15.00-15.45 |  Overview of transmissible cancers in bivalve molluscs | Antonio Villalba
Room: Aula 14+15

15.45-16.15 | Coffee Break - Posters & Exhibition

16.15-17.00 | Teaching Veterinary Pathology to Veterinary Medicine Students: what European perspective? | Massimo Castagnaro
Room: Aula 14+15

16.15-17.45 | Oral Presentations
Room: Aula 13

17.00-17.45 | Oral Presentations
Room: Aula 14+15

18.00-19.30 | ECVP AGM
Room: Aula 14+15