BSTP - ESTP congress
Joining forces: the 22nd ESTP and 40th BSTP annual congresses combine to create the Second Joint BSTP-ESTP Congress
The 2nd Joint BSTP/ESTP Toxicologic Pathology Congress will be held in Manchester, UK and will take place from 23rd - 26th of September 2025.
Dear colleagues and friends,
The British Society of Toxicologic Pathology (BSTP) and European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP) are pleased to invite you to the 2nd Joint BSTP/ESTP Toxicologic Pathology Congress entitled ‘Carcinogenicity in the 21st Century; challenges of new methodologies, strategies, and their impact on pathologists’.
The Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC) comprising both nationally and internationally recognized experts have prepared an excellent program. The invited speakers will review the best practices and the current status of carcinogenicity testing, discuss its limitations, and look to the future for new and emerging approaches including in silico, in vitro and ex vivo technologies for carcinogenicity evaluation of agrochemical and pharmaceuticals. Predicting carcinogenetic potential of compounds at early stages, and carcinogenicity assessment of new modality drugs, and risk assessment and human relevance of neoplastic and non-neoplastic findings will be featured through plenary lectures, oral presentations, case studies, and panel discussions.
In conjunction, an IATP symposium focusing on ‘Pathology Working Groups’ and an ESTP expert workshop on ‘Female Reproductive System’ will take place immediately before and after the congress, respectively, although separate registration will be needed for both events.
We will also welcome a trade exhibition, including new equipment, technologies, and services. The social program will include the welcome reception (23rd September 2025), congress dinner (25th September 2025), and a celebration of the 40th anniversary of the BSTP (details to be confirmed).
The congress takes place in Manchester, United Kingdom from 23rd to 26th September 2025. Manchester is in northwest England with a notable history as a centre for textile manufacture in the 19th Century leading it to be the world’s first industrialised city. In more recent times, Manchester has made significant contributions to science, engineering, politics, music, arts, and sport. There is much to see and do in Manchester, from world-famous football stadia, Castlefield Urban Heritage Park, John Rylands Library, People’s History Museum, Science and Industry Museum, Imperial War Museum North and much more. The city is also famous for The Curry Mile which features around 70 different Asian restaurants including Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi. Your trip won’t be complete without a curry night.
On behalf of the scientific organizing committee, it will be our pleasure and honor to welcome you all to the 2nd Joint BSTP/ESTP Toxicologic Pathology Congress in September 2025. We look forward to seeing you in Manchester!
With kind regards
Chairs of Scientific Organizing Committee
BSTP representatives
Jon Carter
Head of Pathology, Labcorp, United Kingdom
Zuhal Dincer
Head of Pathology Sciences, Sequani, United Kingdom
ESTP representatives
Thomas Nolte
NonClinical Safety and DMPK, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Germany
Ute Bach
Head of Pathology and Clinical Pathology, Bayer AG, Germany